Monday, April 27, 2009

Phase #5-Story and Story

I just couldn't wait to get to this part! Jackson Story and Story Love! Could they be any cuter?! Here goes there 'story' in a nut shell. We go to church with this very sweet couple here in Florida that have a son and daughter-in-law that live in Oxford,MS(mom and dad's town) When they heard of Story Love they quickly made the connection that they had a grandson named Jackson Story...a few months younger...and lived in Oxford. It may not seem like a big deal, but for us and the grandparents it was one of those WOW moments. Someday, somehow we would get these little ones together. So, after a couple of hit and miss attempts they finally met. And, can you believe it, they both show up in matching boy/girl Zutano outfits. Could it get any more fun. Yet another highlight of our trip. Thank you Nancy for meeting perfect strangers and thank you Mr. and Mrs. Bass for helping us make that connection. Jackson Story is an absolute delight and really is as beautiful as he seems.
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1 comment:

Andrea said...

Looks like you had such a great time! I can't believe your dad owns a catfish place now. Jackson and Story make a cute couple! :)