Wednesday, September 8, 2010

we are spoiled

As always we had a wonderful time with our Aunt Sis. Usually there are a ton of pictures and video taken but for some reason we weren't quite on our game this visit. There was a lot of relaxing and catching up. As much as I love taking pictures...not being glued to my camera is nice sometimes. Here are a few sweet moments...

Love sporting Aunt Sis' shoes...she loves high-heals
and we wonder how she broke her arm...
our little "ray of sunshine"
True loving on her new toy from Aunt Sis...
Sophie la girafe by Vulli...the best toy on the planet.
if you have a baby it's a must!
sometimes I think my kids look more like their Aunt than me....what's up with that.
those Burnett genes are STRONG

it was so much fun. thanks Sis for always being willing to come and visit.
it's a treat to get you for a weekend here and there. thank you for loving our girls like you do.
they are surly spoiled with all the love and prizes you bring.

Just a few more days and we will all be together again.

1 comment:

Amy Sue said...

It makes my heart smile to see these pictures. I can't wait to do my share of loving on everyone. It won't be long.