Monday, November 1, 2010

Playing catch up!

This will at least get us somewhat up to speed from the last month.
We aren't back in business yet but trying to make do with what we have. 
I feel like I'm so behind in pics.

Story is killing me with her eyes these days.
Everything about her is so expressive and she definitely has her own idea about life.
She love to help me with all things and I have found that is her way of showing me love.

Meila is sitting up now. And, cut her first tooth last weekend. It's there but barely.
Thanks to amber teething necklaces, she has been quite pleasant through the process.
She is such a happy long as you are feeding her something:)
We seriously think she could eat all day.
Who do you think she looks like? Still trying to put a finger on that

Life is great. We are loving our new church.
It seems like there are so many areas to be involved in, but we are taking baby steps.
A church family sure makes all the difference in transition times.
We are growing and being challenged again which feels great.

I have been busy around my house making it more of a home.
Many of my ideas have been encouraged by this fun blog...
I have...
 grouped, de-cluttered, painted, and organized to the point that I'm beginning to think, 
I can't get enough.
It's fun to play house...and I hope to get better at it with all of these "tips".
Many times I wonder what it is I LOVE to do (besides loving on my girls).
I have found lately it's focusing on my home. Making it cute.
I can't say I'm that great at it but I sure try and have fun in the mean-time.
Every house we have ever lived in has had a way of calling my name to make it lovely.
And, I have to say...I do love arranging and re-arranging, until it seems slightly imperfect.
So, soon I will post with pics of my home. Until then...

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1 comment:

Dave said...

Love the pics! Story cracks me up vacuuming while holding her baby. Such a cutie pie! Looks like you are enjoying fall and I'm glad you guys have found a church family. Big hug, Stephanie